Hotel Management
Diploma | BSc | MBA
Health Management
Optometry | DMLT(DDLT) Nursing Asst | Health Care
Humanities Management
BCom | BBA | MBA
NIHM is the well facilitated institute for Hotel and Catering Management ,Humanity Management and Health Management education and gives world class training for above courses under Thayammal Charitable Trust established in 2006.
NIHM provides Collaborative Programs Offered Alagappa University and also Affiliated to BSS-NDA, Government of India, Skill India, Manonmaniam Sundaranar university.
Our courses are highly planned to improve student’s skill’s sets and competency level as per appropriate course. The Class room activities are adequately guided by practical and real time projects by our world class course materials.
NIHM giving part time job opportunities while course training and also NIHM Offers 100 % placements in well believed Hotel and Catering Industries across India and Abroad.